Project Detail
Originally covered with grass, the area was stripped of vegetation and then graded with 1% cross fall with the specialized T870 6 Tonne tracked bobcat with dual axis laser grader attachment. The Automated laser grader once setup correctly is accurate to within 3mm to achieve an accurate sub base ready for compaction.
Using a grader is a much more efficient way to construct an arena than a traditional bobcat with just a bucket. With every pass you are achieving additional compaction and grading with a very small tolerance. The need for laborers, pegs and string lines is removed to check levels. Also the risk of low spots in the base is removed, these areas will form puddles which will follow on to be soft which will break down the base in years to come.
<20mm recycled crushed aggregate was delivered and spread to form the 175mm thick base. Windrows are created, then wet and pushed over and wet again to get water right into the base. This creates a slurry effect which is known as water binding which is the same technique used when constructing roads. This creates a much better quality base compared to just watering the top layer which tends to form a crust on the top which is more prone to breaking up in the future.
Once the slurry has been created through the water binding process a 7 tonne twin-drum roller is used for maximum compaction. The water truck is heavily utilized in this process as this arena required approx. 57,000ltrs of water to correctly water bind the base.
The grader will undertake a final trim to correct the levels for the 1% cross fall towards the gully drain running down the length of the long side with one final roll to complete the perfect base ready for surface of your choice.